To commemorate Ecolab’s centennial and 100 years of sustainability-focused business, we celebrate the release of “Clean: Lessons from Ecolab’s Century of Positive Impact.”

The book chronicles Ecolab’s rich history, particularly the company’s longstanding commitment to making the world a better place. It tells the story of a company that began with just a single product sold to a single customer in 1923 and grew into an industry leader that helps deliver sustainable outcomes to customers across multiple industries around the world.

"Clean" book cover

“Clean” illustrates how prioritizing sustainability does not need to come at the expense of growth and uses Ecolab’s legacy as an example of how sustainability can, in fact, provide a competitive advantage to support business growth while having a positive impact on the environment. It also looks forward to the next 100 years and examines how Ecolab can meet its own ambitious sustainability goals and help other companies achieve the same.

“Clean” is co-authored by Emilio Tenuta, Ecolab Senior Vice President & Chief Sustainability Officer, and Paul C. Godfrey, Ph.D., a professor of business strategy at the Marriott School of Management at Brigham Young University.

The book provides two different but complementary perspectives – an inside view of Ecolab from Tenuta and a business professor’s analysis from Godfrey. Together, the authors deliver an insightful and practical toolkit for organizations to implement as they advance their own sustainability goals.

“Clean” is published by Wiley, a multinational publisher, and available on Amazon and wherever books are sold.*

* Ecolab will collect and donate all company royalties from the sale of “Clean” to a water-focused, non-profit community partner.


A Roadmap for the Modern Executive

Emilio Tenuta, Ecolab SVP and Chief Sustainability Officer, explains why “Clean” is about something bigger than Ecolab.

YouTube Video

About the Authors

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Emilio R Tenuta, Chief Sustainability Officer at Ecolab

Emilio R. Tenuta

Emilio is the Chief Sustainability Officer at Ecolab, a global leader in water, hygiene and infection prevention solutions and services that help protect people and the resources vital to life. Over the past decade, Tenuta has led Ecolab’s sustainability journey and has been actively involved in helping customers advance their global sustainability and ESG practices, with a focus on water stewardship and climate action.

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Paul C. Godfrey, PhD, William and Roceil Low Professor of Business Strategy in the Marriott School of Management at Brigham Young University

Paul C. Godfrey, Ph.D.

Paul is the William and Roceil Low Professor of Business Strategy in the Marriott School of Management at Brigham Young University. He is the author of More Than Money and Strategic Risk Management. He is also the co-author of Ethics in Business and Strategic Management.